
This is the International Worship Center constructed by Governor Udom Emmanuel, a state-of-the-art edifice. Mr. Udom Emmanuel stated that the purpose of building the centre was in furtherance of the vision of the founding fathers of the state in naming the State after God and dedicating all the lives, assets, activities, future of the state to God Almighty for preservation, protection, and progress.

He revealed that the centre is set to be the pivot of all religious activities in and outside the state. The Governor highlighted that it was a privilege and honour to raise an altar for the Lord and a place to worship and glorify his name.

Governor Emmanuel also added that when the dream of the international worship centre was conceived, he rose to the faith that God will provide the finances drawing strength from Haggai 1:8 –“Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the LORD”.





He said Akwa Ibom State is a Christian State that will continue to look up to God for his guidance and blessings.

The Governor went further to reiterate the fact that the worship center is very essential for the state, noting that other states not as endowed as Akwa Ibom have standard worship centres to sing praises and magnify the Lord for His goodness and mercies.