
This is the Ikot Okoro General Hospital located at  Ndot Ikot Okoro, Oruk Anam Local Government, Akwa-Ibom State.  The timely work of rehabilitating and re-equipping this facility by Governor Udom Emmanuel has helped the residents in that area. One of the healthcare development objectives of Governor Udom Emmanuel has been to bequeath world class health care institutions that will cater to the medical attention of the people. This is demonstrated in the construction, remodeling of secondary healthcare centre and refurbishing of older ones with modern facilities and equipments.

For about 20 years, Ikot Okoro General Hospital has suffered neglect and dilapidation, whereby indigene of the communities within the LGA had to travel to distance places to access medical care. The intervention by the Governor has not only turned around the physical infrastructure of the hospital, but has breathe life back to the community.